Lakhipuronline Digital Desk – In a significant tribute to the revered freedom fighter, Bir Tikendrajit Singh, a statue was unveiled today at Rabindranath Tagore University on the occasion of the 133rd Martyrdom Day. The ceremony was officiated by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Manabendra Dutta Choudhury, and attended by a host of distinguished guests.
Notable attendees included Dr. L. Dibamani Singh, Registrar of National Sports University, Manipur; Mrs. Randhoni Devi, former Principal of Imphal College; and Nameirakpam Bidya, Vice President of the Manipuri Sahitya Parishad, Assam, who served as Guests of Honour.
In his keynote address, Dr. Dijamani Sarmah emphasized the statue's significance, describing it as an educational beacon for future generations. He highlighted its role in reminding the community of the sacrifices made for freedom and the responsibilities that accompany it. Dr. Sarmah expressed hope that the statue would inspire students, educators, and the wider community to embody the values of courage, resilience, and patriotism.
The unveiling of the statue was part of a broader observance of the 133rd Martyrdom Day, held at the Manipuri Sahitya Parishad Bhawan. The event was presided over by Tensubam Manihar, President of the Manipuri Sahitya Parishad, Assam, Hojai District Committee, and featured reflections on Bir Tikendrajit Singh's enduring legacy and his crucial role in India's freedom struggle.
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