World Meetei Council Urges UN to Review and Rectify PR on Manipur Crisis

In a recent development, the World Meetei Council (WMC) has issued an appeal to the United Nations (UN) to re-evaluate and rectify its press release concerning the Manipur crisis. The press release, titled "India: UN experts alarmed by continuing abuses in Manipur," was published on September 4, 2023. The WMC, which represents the Meeteis in India and the Meetei diaspora worldwide, has expressed deep concerns about the UN press release, alleging a lack of balance and impartiality.

To address this issue, the WMC initiated a global signature campaign on October 25, joined by Meeteis and supporters from around the world. The campaign encourages people to sign "An Appeal to Review and Rectify UN PR on Manipur issue to Ensure Impartiality and Inclusivity." The aim is to prompt the UN to take the necessary actions to rectify the situation. You can sign the appeal at this link: Sign the Appeal.

The WMC's submission to the UN disputes various points mentioned in the UN press release, including the portrayal of the conflict as religious or gender-based, the suggestion of hate speech as an inciting factor, and the classification of the Kuki community as an ethnic minority and victims. The WMC's submission emphasizes the complex dynamics of the conflict and underscores the Meetei community's status as indigenous and endangered in India. It also highlights the alleged ethnic cleansing of Meeteis in Kuki-dominated districts on May 3, 2023, and attributes this to the activities of ChinKuki terrorist groups and their political leaders and militant factions operating under Suspension of Operations (SoO), driven by a desire for a separate nation known as "Zalengam or Zoland."

The World Meetei Council's appeal requests a thorough re-evaluation and revision of the UN press release to ensure a more balanced and comprehensive understanding of the Manipur crisis. The organization underscores the significance of the UN's credibility as a neutral and objective international body in addressing the complex issues in the region.

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