SILCHAR, July 9: A dawn to dusk bandh has been called by Nagarikatwa Suraksha Sangram Committee of the valley against the ongoing NRC update on July 10. The NRC update process has become a cause of untold harassment for the citizens of India. According to Pradip Kumar Dey, convenor of the Committee, in the name of update, even genuine countless Indian citizens have to face lot of difficulties and problems to trace out any legacy data or linkage or even certain basic documents. It has been claimed by the state coordinator of NRC that the update process has been simplified. The ground reality is that the complicated modalities and the puzzling questions are so confusing and confounding that even literates find it difficult to meet.
The mental condition of common people with limited literacy can easily be imagined than understood. It is really surprising that for married women in particular the paternal connection is being given priority whose national identity as Indian is beyond doubt. In fact, simplified process is no more that simple as it has been made to appear or sound.
Various other organizations, youth, civil, trade union and student, who have come out openly in support of the bandh, are out to propagate in favour and mobilize public support to make it a total success. As the situation stands, there has emerged wide and spontaneous support from all corners as there is no voice of discordant or dissent.
Justifying the bandh, trade union leader Anwar Hussain Mazumder, president Cachar district construction workers union, said the NRC update is a conspiracy to brand genuine Indian citizens belonging to linguistic and religious minorities as foreigners and to deprive them of their democratic and fundamental right to vote. Eventually, after their names are deleted, they will be stateless. He called upon all sections of people facing harassment, physical, mental and financial, to come out and extend support to the bandh call.
All the organizations in unison have demanded that before taking up NRC update, the problem of ‘D’ voters should be resolved. For the refugees, a Bill should be brought in the Parliament to give them citizenship. Any valid document should be accepted for update and all those residing in Assam should without any discrimination be included in the update process. Essential services have been exempted from the bandh. (Source:SentinelAssam)
The mental condition of common people with limited literacy can easily be imagined than understood. It is really surprising that for married women in particular the paternal connection is being given priority whose national identity as Indian is beyond doubt. In fact, simplified process is no more that simple as it has been made to appear or sound.
Various other organizations, youth, civil, trade union and student, who have come out openly in support of the bandh, are out to propagate in favour and mobilize public support to make it a total success. As the situation stands, there has emerged wide and spontaneous support from all corners as there is no voice of discordant or dissent.
Justifying the bandh, trade union leader Anwar Hussain Mazumder, president Cachar district construction workers union, said the NRC update is a conspiracy to brand genuine Indian citizens belonging to linguistic and religious minorities as foreigners and to deprive them of their democratic and fundamental right to vote. Eventually, after their names are deleted, they will be stateless. He called upon all sections of people facing harassment, physical, mental and financial, to come out and extend support to the bandh call.
All the organizations in unison have demanded that before taking up NRC update, the problem of ‘D’ voters should be resolved. For the refugees, a Bill should be brought in the Parliament to give them citizenship. Any valid document should be accepted for update and all those residing in Assam should without any discrimination be included in the update process. Essential services have been exempted from the bandh. (Source:SentinelAssam)
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