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Hindu Bengalis at crossroads: Chatra Federation

SILCHAR, July 23: “Hindu Bengalis in the present juncture are caught in a dilemma on the NRC update process. There is no ray of hope for those who are without any valid or legal documents as required by the modalities”, pointed out Kamal Choudhury, general secretary, Sara Assam Bengali Yuva-Chatra Federation, central committee, while addressing a public meeting in Gandhi Bhawan here on Wednesday. He added to say enough safeguards have been provided to the refugees from West Pakistan migrating to Gujarat and Rajasthan. The Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government enacted an Act for their protection, giving them the status of Indian citizens. It could be possible because both the state governments were led by BJP.
The Hindu Bengali refugees, Choudhury said, supported BJP wholeheartedly in the last Parliamentary elections, enabling the Party to win 7 seats. It was with the expectations that with the coming to power of NDA Government led by Narendra Modi similar Act would be passed in the Parliament to protect the Hindu Bengali refugees of Assam. During his pre election public meetings in three important places of the state, Narendra Modi gave assurance of moving the Parliament for the protection of Hindu Bengalis.
Khagen Baishya, central committee president, who presided over the meeting, said more than a year has passed, but there is no move by the Centre to take steps for the protection of Hindu Bengalis. There has been no solution to ‘D’ voters as promised. Yuva- Chatra Federation has been fighting for the issue for the last 30 years. One of the reasons why no safeguard could be provided or the solution to ‘D’ voters, he stated the Congress led government of Assam would never like to take a decision that would antagonize the religious minority.
Amit Shah during his conclave with BJP MPs and MLAs as well as leaders at Guwahati gave another assurance if his party comes to power, not only issue of ‘D’ voters will be solved but the passage for suitable Act will also be facilitated. In fact, if assurances after assurance continue to come, what will be the ultimate solution, Khagen Baishya asked? Others who addressed the public meet included Karanendu Bhattacharjee, Cachar district Congress president, Bokul Malakar, zonal president of South Assam, Gopal Ghosh, zonal president of BTAD, and Arabinda Das, Cachar district president. (Source:SentinelAssam)

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