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Press Release from Assam Manipuri Joint Action Committee (AMJAC)

Guwahati, 23 February 2013 

Assam Manipuri Joint Action Committee (AMJAC)
G.M.C. Road, Rupnagar, Guwhati-32, Assam 


The 23rd February 2013 

The Honourable Gauhati High Court in its judgment, vide order dated 22nd February 2013, passed in W.P.C. No 6588/2011, gave a stricture to the state government, more particularly to the Department of Welfare of Plain Tribes and Backward Classes (WPT&BC).

The Honorable Court interfered with the continuation of the interim Manipuri Development Council and further directed the State Government, more particularly to the aforesaid Department to constitute a regular Manipuri Development Council, by way of election within the month of May 2013.

The judgment was given on the writ petition filed by Babu Singha and S. Chakraborty Singha in November 2011, praying the State Government to constitute of a regular Manipuri Development Council. The aforesaid case argued before the honourable High Court by Mr. A. R. Bhuyan, advocate Gauhati High Court, on behalf of the petitioner.

The Assam Manipuri Joint Action Committee (AMJAC) welcomed the judgment of the Honorable Gauhati High Court and expressed its faith democratic system of the Government. The AMJAC through this press release forwarded its demanded to the Government to hold election of the Council within the time frame given by Honorable High Court.

Chief Convener, AMJAC
Dr. Phuritsabam Birmani